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A plea of the staff of the Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari

(04-02-2015) Read the text of the plea of the staff of the Astronomical...

Announcement to the Scientific Community

(04-30-2015) The Sardinia Radio Telescope operations are temporarily halted due to the protest of...


A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for estimating the heterogeneity of pressure profiles within a populat

(10-17-2024) Dr. Fabio Castagna (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy)

A multi-wavelength view of galaxy evolution across different environments: From Groups to Clusters

(10-03-2024) Dr. Konstantinos Kolokythas (Rhodes University & SARAO, Republic of South Africa)

A multiwavelength study of Crab Pulsar

(04-15-2019) Dr. Avishek Basu (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India)
