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Risultati di ricerca
A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for estimating the heterogeneity of pressure profiles within a populat
(17-10-2024) Dr. Fabio Castagna (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italia)
A brief look into an MHD flow
(12-07-2016) James Perez Barrera (UNAM, Mexico)
A multi-wavelength view of galaxy evolution across different environments: From Groups to Clusters
(03-10-2024) Dr. Konstantinos Kolokythas (Rhodes University & SARAO, Repubblica del Sudafrica)...
A multiwavelength study of Crab Pulsar
(15-04-2019) Dr. Avishek Basu (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India)
A New Monitor and Control Power Supply PCB for Biasing LNAs of Large Radio Telescopes Receivers
(24-10-2023) Pierluigi Ortu (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Caglari, Italia)
A Q-band cryogenic receiver for the TMRT and microwave technology lab of SHAO
(22-02-2019) Dr. Weiye Zhong (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Cina)
A timeline for massive star-forming regions via deuterium chemistry
(19-02-2019) Dr. Andrea Giannetti (INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia, Italia)
A Westerbork blind HI imaging survey of the Perseus-Pisces filament in the Zone of Avoidance
(28-11-2017) Dr. Mpati Ramatsoku (INAF-OAC, Italy)
Advanced tools for HPC developers from GPU-HACKATHON and ATPESC-2024
(19-09-2024) Giovanni La Mura
Advances in movie reconstruction in VLBI and novel ALMA archiving
(30-05-2024) Dr. Alejandro Mus Mejias (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italia)