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A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for estimating the heterogeneity of pressure profiles within a populat

The study of the thermodynamic properties of galaxy clusters is crucial to probing the evolution of the universe at the largest scales. In this talk, I will present a Bayesian Hierarchical Model tailored to determining the average pressure profile and the corresponding intrinsic scatter for a population of galaxy clusters. Such analysis adequately encapsulates the global properties of the overall distribution of clusters and each cluster's specific, individual aspects. Taking into account the heterogeneity of the pressure profile across different galaxy clusters within a population is not straightforward and, especially, is highly computationally expensive, since it requires a combined estimate of the objects all at the same time, in a single-stage procedure. I will give an overview of the advantages and challenges of such methodology, with a particular focus on its great potential of exploiting the massive amounts of observations gathered by the current and forthcoming surveys that characterize the Big Data era in astrophysics.
Breve CV del Dr. Fabio Castagna:
Attualmente è un ricercatore postdoc all'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, focalizzato sulla caratterizzazione delle proprietà termodinamiche dei cluster di galassie attraverso osservazioni SZ e di raggi X. Dopo essersi laureato in Biostatistica all'Università Bocconi di Milano nel 2018, ha iniziato a collaborare con INAF-Brera sulle applicazioni della statistica Bayesiana all'astrofisica. Nel 2024 ha ottenuto il dottorato in Computer Science and Mathematics of Computation all'Università dell'Insubria.