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A multi-wavelength view of galaxy evolution across different environments: From Groups to Clusters

Much of the evolution of galaxies before they are assimilated into clusters takes place in groups where AGN feedback has the greatest impact on galaxy formation and evolution. On the other hand, clusters are the largest gravitationally bound structures in the Universe, with their baryonic mass being distributed between the constituent galaxies and the ionized plasma of their intracluster medium (ICM). As such, radio observations of galaxy clusters are powerful tools for detecting diffuse cluster-scale synchrotron emission, which carries information about the cluster formation history. In the first part of this talk, I will summarize the results from studies of the central brightest group early-type galaxies (BGEs) of an optically selected, statistically complete sample of 53 nearby groups (<80 Mpc; CLoGS sample), observed in radio 235/610 MHz (GMRT), CO (IRAM/APEX) and X-ray (Chandra and XMM-Newton) frequencies examining the jet energetics impact on the intra-group gas, the balance between hot and cold gas and the AGN activity and star formation in groups. In the second part, I will summarize the results from MeerKAT’s Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey (MGCLS) diffuse radio emission catalogue work, a follow-up project of the first MeerKAT legacy survey paper (Knowles et al. 2022; MGCLS I) that initially was a program of long-track observations of 115 galaxy clusters at 1.28 GHz spread out over the Southern sky. I will focus on the detection rates, statistics, discoveries and properties of the various diffuse radio emission structures detected in MGCLS galaxy clusters revealing the much-improved radio images compared to previous radio observations that open up new areas of investigation in cluster formation and evolution that set the path to the SKA era.
Breve CV del Dr. Konstantinos Kolokythas:
Konstantinos Kolokythas è un Postdoctoral Research Fellow congiuntamente alla Rhodes University e al SARAO (RSA) e dirige il progetto MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey (MGCLS) diffuse radio emission catalogue e il DR2 dei prodotti MGCLS. Ha ottenuto il suo PhD nel 2015 all'University of Birmingham (UK) dove ha studiato le proprietà radio e l'evoluzione dei gruppi di galassie vicine, successivamente si è trasferito come Postdoctoral Researcher alla IUCAA (Pune, India). Nel 2020 si è unito come NRF Postdoctoral Fellow alla North-West University in Sudafrica. La sua ricerca è focalizzata su sia i gruppi di galassie che i cluster, e in particolare sull'evoluzione dei gruppi di galassie vicine usando osservazioni multibanda con un interesse nell'evoluzione dei getti radio, il loro impatto sul mezzo intra-gruppo (AGN feedback) e la relazione tra muclei galattici attivi e proprietà dei gruppi di galassie nell'Universo locale. Nei cluster delle galassie, il suo focus principale è sulla loro evoluzione attraverso l'emissione radio diffusa che viene osservata utilizzando MeerKAT.