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Advances in movie reconstruction in VLBI and novel ALMA archiving

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has extended the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technique to mm wavelengths, achieving the highest angular resolution in the history of ground-based astronomy. Because an interferometer incompletely samples the visibility domain, the inverse problem of determining an image from a measured set of visibilities is ill-posed. While this issue affects all interferometers, it is particularly challenging for a sparse array like the EHT, due to the relatively small number of radiotelescopes capable of observing at high-radio frequencies.
In this talk, I will present some of the cutting-edge algorithms we have developed to reconstruct full Stokes interferometric images, including ‘dynamic’ solutions (i.e. movies) of fast-evolving sources such as SgrA*. We tested these algorithms both on synthetic and real data of SgrA*.
I will also discuss our initial search for transients and super-slow pulsars in the Galactic Center. Finally, I will describe plans for a new archive of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) observed in full-polarization with ALMA during VLBI campaigns. The archive will be open to the astronomical community and will contain science-ready products, including full-Stokes images, light curves, and tabulated polarization properties of the observed AGNs.