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Status of the Small-Sized Telescopes Programme for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory

The gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will consist of two sites (in La Palma, at the Canary Islands, and Paranal, in the Chilean Andes) to cover the northern and southern sky observations. More than 70 telescopes will populate the two sites with three different diameters classes (23 m, 12 m, and 4 m diameter) to cover a wide energy spectral band together, from a few tens GeV to a few hundred TeV.
For the CTA South “Alpha Configuration” the construction and installation of 37 (+5) SST telescopes are planned, a number that could increase up to 70 in future upgrades. The SSTs are developed and implemented by an international consortium of institutes led by INAF and will observe the highest energy range of CTAO, from about 1 TeV to up to 300 TeV.
The SSTs use a dual-mirror aplanatic polynomial configuration similar to the Schwarzschild-Couder design. They are equipped with a focal plane camera based on SiPM detectors, which covers a field of view of approximately 9 degrees.
In this contribution, we will present the progress of the SST programme and the plan up to the on-site integration of all the telescopes.
Breve CV del Dr. Alessio Trois:
Alessio Trois lavora per l'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica da Settembre 2004. Durante il suo periodo all'INAF ha lavorato presso diversi istituti (IASF di Milano, IAPS di Roma) ed attualmente lavora all'Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari.
Attualmente è inquadrato nel settore tecnologico "Technico-Scientifico", sotto-sectore "Technical Project Management, Systems Engineering, Product Assurance". Durante questi anni ha sempre lavorato all'interno dei project offices di vari progetti INAF legati alle missioni spaziali e a telescopi da terra coprendo varie posizioni di responsabilità. Per il SST-CTA International Consortium, ricopre il ruolo di Program and System Manager del Project Office.