
8 GIUGNO 2023 ore 10:30

The Central Scientific Unit VIII - ”Computing”

Dr. Andrea Possenti (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, Italia)

The optimization of data analysis and theoretical simulation codes, combined with the ability to manage large amounts of data, and energy efficiency, are crucial for the success of large astrophysics research projects. On the other hand, the opportunities provided by new developments in computer science will also significantly impact the research activity of INAF scientists. The USC VIII, dedicated to high-performance computing and data storage, represents a valuable opportunity to support INAF staff and projects in the competitive landscape of current and upcoming research challenges.
This serminar will describe the context, organizational methods, short and medium-term objectives, available and planned resources of the newly established USC VIII. The USC VIII activities also include some of the areas previously covered by the ICT Office of INAF (such as cloud, networks, GARR, software licenses, and common research services such as GitLab, etc.). The collaborations with other entities and with industries will be also highlighted.
The seminar will represent an opportunity to: (i) stimulate the interaction with research and technical staff; (ii) share experiences in the field of computing, archives, services, and computer developments; (iii) collect suggestions, ideas and eventual problems related to OATs specific experience, (iv) complete the list of local expertise to be enhanced in the framework of USCVIII.