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Dynamical star formation from Milky Way cloud scales to hundreds of AU
Didascalia: A birds-eye view of the atomic HI emission in the Milky Way from the THOR survey (Wang et al. 2020).
Abstract: Star formation processes are important over a huge range of physical scales, from large atomic and molecular clouds down to the scales of individual protostellar cores disks around stars. Linking these scales is crucial for a general understanding of star formation and the interstellar medium. I will set into context results from Milky Way cloud scales to individual star-forming regions and dense cores with an emphasis on the dynamical properties of the star formation processes.
Breve CV del Prof. Dr. Henrik Beuther:
- PhD at the MPIfR in Bonn 2002
- Then Postdoc Harvard Smithsocian Center for Astrophysics
- Coming back to Germany with Emmy Noether fellowship, to Heidelberg MPIA
- Later staff scientist at MPIA