
24 GENNAIO 2023 ore 15:00

Dynamical star formation from Milky Way cloud scales to hundreds of AU

Prof. Dr. Henrik Beuther (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany)
Dynamical star formation from Milky Way cloud scales to hundreds of AU

Didascalia: A birds-eye view of the atomic HI emission in the Milky Way from the THOR survey (Wang et al. 2020).


Abstract: Star formation processes are important over a huge range of physical scales, from large atomic and molecular clouds down to the scales of individual protostellar cores disks around stars. Linking these scales is crucial for a general understanding of star formation and the interstellar medium. I will set into context results from Milky Way cloud scales to individual star-forming regions and dense cores with an emphasis on the dynamical properties of the star formation processes.



Breve CV del Prof. Dr. Henrik Beuther:

- PhD at the MPIfR in Bonn 2002
- Then Postdoc Harvard Smithsocian Center for Astrophysics
- Coming back to Germany with Emmy Noether fellowship, to Heidelberg MPIA
- Later staff scientist at MPIA