
4 OCTOBER 2022 time 15:00

Understanding various astrophysical phenomena through the precision timing of radio pulsars

Jaikhomba Singha (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
Understanding various astrophysical phenomena through the precision timing of radio pulsars

 Pulsars are rotating magnetized Neutron Stars with extremely high gravitational fields, magnetic fields and    stable rotational periods. Pulsar timing is the art of accounting for every rotation of a pulsar. It is an extremely great tool for probing various astrophysical phenomena of the interior of neutron stars, their magnetospheres, the interstellar medium, etc. In this talk, I will present the various efforts I have been involved in related to pulsar timing. I will focus on a few monitoring programs with Indian radio telescopes: the Ooty Radio Telescope and the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. These monitoring programs aim to detect pulsar glitches in young pulsars and provide highly-sensitive, low-frequency data for PTA experiments using millisecond pulsars. I will also present the InPTA-EPTA combined efforts and the IPTA projects I have been involved with in the past few months. 





Brief CV of Jaikhomba Singha:

I am a research scholar working on various observational and theoretical aspects of Neutron Stars. On the theoretical front, I am interested in understanding the composition and the structure of Neutron Star interiors. On the observational front, I mostly work on timing these exotic systems through radio observations using the two Indian radio telescopes: Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) and upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT). For the past few years, I have been monitoring a sample of young pulsars using these facilities to look for irregularities in the timing evolution of these pulsars. I am also a member of the Indian Pulsar Timing Array (InPTA) Experiment, where we observe a sample of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) to obtain high sensitive low frequency data. For the collaboration, I have been leading a couple of projects related to timing, profile changes and Interstellar Medium studies. Recently, I have also started to join and work in various working groups of the European Pulsar TIming Array (EPTA) and the International Pulsar Timing Array collaboration.