
31 MAGGIO 2022 ore 15:00

Ram pressure stripping at work in intermediate redshift clusters: the case of A2744 and A370

Dr. Alessia Moretti (INAF-OAPd, Italia)
Ram pressure stripping at work in intermediate redshift clusters: the case of A2744 and A370

Didascalia immagine: RGB image of the ram pressure stripped galaxy A370 01 at redshift 0.37. The ionized gas emission traced by the OII doublet (in red) is superimposed over the RGB image constructed using HST imaging.


Abstract: Ram pressure stripping has been proven to be effective in shaping galaxy properties in dense environments at low redshift. MUSE IFU data are available for a sample of more distant (z∼0.3-0.5) clusters, with mosaics covering the inner cluster regions. I will present the results of our search of ram-pressure stripped galaxies in this sample. In particular I will describe how we discovered and characterised 13 ram-pressure-stripped galaxies in the central regions of A2744 and A370 (z∼0.3-0.4), using the MUSE spectrograph.  As in their low-redshift counterpart, emission-line properties as well as stellar features have been analyzed to infer the presence of this gas-only stripping mechanism, that produces spectacular ionized gas tails departing from the main galaxy body.  Our analysis has revealed that in the inner regions of these two clusters the vast majority of blue star-forming cluster members are predominantly ram-pressure stripped, suggesting that this mechanism was even more effective at intermediate redshift than in today’s universe. 


Breve CV della Dr.ssa Alessia Moretti:

Alessia Moretti e’ ricercatrice all’Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, dove si e’ dottorata nel 2005 con una tesi sui sistemi di ammassi globulari in galassie early-type. Si occupa prevalentemente di evoluzione delle galassie in relazione all’ambiente. Come membro del team GASP si e’ occupata di caratterizzare i fenomeni di stripping di gas nelle galassie di ammassi vicini sia tramite l’utilizzo di dati ottici che di dati sub-mm.