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Introductory talk of the Global Emerging Radio Astronomy Foundation

The Global Emerging Radio Astronomy Foundation, or GERAF, was formed in response to the ongoing trend of internal funding resources in radio astronomy to be funnelled into large and ambitious projects at the expense of a variety of smaller, yet uniquely valuable facilities. GERAF seeks to source support for these facilities, that themselves are finding a new importance in the age of transient radio astronomy and which also have long provided essential training to generations of researchers. In this talk the motivation and operations of GERAF will be introduced along with status reports of the initial projects we have undertaken. If time permits possible future scenarios will also be discussed.
Breve CV del Dr. R.Burns:
Il Dr Ross Burns ha ottenuto il PhD in Astrofisica alla Kagoshima University, Giappone, e ha lavorato come radio astronomo in Giappone e nei Paesi Bassi focalizzandosi sullo studio della formazione stellare ed è specializzato in osservazioni VLBI (very long baseline interferometry). Attualmente dirige la Maser Monitoring Organisation (M2O) ed è auno dei direttori della Global Emerging Radio Astronomy Foundation (GERAFoundation). I suoi interessi si estendono i sistemi riceventi dei radio telescopi ed alle operationi delle infrastutture della radio astronomia, in aggiunta al supporto delle copetenze locali attraverso progetti di radio astronomia in paesi in via di sviluppo.