
12 OCTOBER 2021 time 15:00

Biografia di Alessandro Cabras & Biography of Gianmarco Angius

Alessandro Cabras & Gianmarco Angius
Biografia di Alessandro Cabras  &  Biography of Gianmarco Angius

Presentazione di Alessandro:

Biografia di Alessandro Cabras

Sono Alessandro Cabras, vivo a Carbonia ed ho conseguito la laurea magistrale in computer engineering a Pisa lo scorso anno, dopo la laurea ho lavorato per un anno come ingegnere del software in Nurjana Technologies. Ho già lavorato in passato in OAC durante le tesi triennale e magistrale e al momento sono titolare di un assegno di ricerca e coinvolto nelle attività relative al PON.


Presentazione di Gianmarco:

Biography of Gianmarco Angius

- Gianmarco, nerdy but not too much, tennis player in a previous life, and now a sort of crossfitter
- Gianmarco received the M.Sc. degree (Laurea) in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering and computer science from the University of Cagliari, in 2005 and 2009, respectively.
His research interests included the development of novel VLSI digital bio-inspired architectures, digital frameworks and algorithms for the signal processing in biomedical devices, and the development of digital telemedicine systems.
In Inpeco SpA he was a firmware engineer for embedded systems inside total laboratory automation machines and project manager for new software products in the field traceability in healthcare.
He is currently research fellow at INAF, where his interests are related learning about radio astronomy receivers.