Link Esterni
Einstein Telescope: a next generation Gravitational Wave Detector

The Einstein Telescope (ET) is a proposed infrastructure to host a third-generation, gravitational-wave observatory. It builds on the success of current, second-generation laser-interferometric detectors Advanced Virgo and Advanced LIGO, whose breakthrough discoveries of merging black holes (BHs) and neutron stars over the past years have started the era of gravitational-wave astronomy. The Einstein Telescope will achieve a greatly improved sensitivity by increasing the size of the interferometer from the 3 km arm length of the Virgo detector to 10km and by implementing a series of new technologies. To fully exploit its potential ET will be built underground in a low seismicity and low anthropic noise region, and the Sos Enattos (Lula, NU) area in Sardinia is what the Italian community believes to be the best candidate for this research infrastructure. An overview of the scientific prospects and technological innovations of the project will be presented at the seminar, together with a summary of the ongoing activities at the Sos Enattos site.
Breve CV del Dr. Alessandro Cardini:
Alessandro Cardini is currently a Director of Research at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) in Cagliari, Italy. He graduated in Pisa in 1989 working on innovative particle detectors for flavour physics. After a PhD in Particle Physics on the experiment WA84, which studied beauty and charm mesons production and decays at the CERN SPS, he has been a postdoctoral fellow at UCLA, working on the search for neutrino oscillations at the NOMAD experiment at CERN. Permanent researcher at INFN since 1997, he initially worked on ATLAS and then since 2000 on the LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, which studies the CP violation and the rare decays of beauty hadrons. From 2008 to 2010 he has been at CERN to coordinate the work of installation and commissioning of the LHC Muon Detection system. He was then appointed Project Leader of the LHCb Muon Detection System and directed the data taking operations from 2012 to 2015. From 2015 to 2018 he has been the Italian LHCb National Coordinator. He is currently the LHCb Cagliari group leader. He participated and coordinated many R&D projects on
innovative particle detectors. He joined the ET collaboration in 2019 and currently leads the Cagliari ET group, deeply involved in the Sardinian site characterization studies. He is the author of more than 750 peer-reviewed publications.
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