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The Italian FRB Network: from the lowest frequencies to the highest energies.

Abstract: Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are fast, millisecond-duration, extremely bright (~Jy) bursts that have so far only been observed at radio wavelengths. Only a small fraction of them, the so called repeaters, have been observed more than once and their multiple detections have shaped the theories on their -still nebulous- origin.
FRB180916 is probably the most active known repeater and is the closest one to have been localised. Its proximity and its high activity level led, soon after its discovery, to the first ever detection of periodicity from FRBs. This source is active for about 5 days within a cycle of 16 days. Its close proximity and the predictability of its bursts made it the ideal target both for in-depth studies in the radio band and for the -so far elusive- search of a multiwavelength counterpart.
I will present the results of a multiwavelength campaign performed using SRT observations at P and L bands reaching the first detection of FRBs below 400 MHz, and constraining upper limits on their emission at optical and X-ray bands at millisecond timescales.
This campaign was but a starting point for the ongoing Italian effort at tackling FRBs. I will give a panorama of this collaboration, starring a growing community from the radio domain (including the Northern Cross and the VLBI, along with SRT) up to gamma-rays.
Breve CV della Dr. Maura Pilia:
Ottiene la Laurea triennale a Cagliari e la Laurea magistrale a Bologna, successivamente ottiene il Dottorato di Ricerca a Como con co-supervisione il Dr. Alberto Pellizzoni su studi pulsar dal radio al gamma. Dopo il dottorato ottiene prima un Post-doc ad ASTRON in Olanda per lavorare con il gruppo pulsar di LOFAR. e poi un Post-doc ad INAF-OAC. In quest'ultimo si occupa prima della realizzazione di database e pipeline per analisi pulsar multi-frequenza; poi dello sviluppo di tool per studi di pulsar in polarizzazione con SRT e il futuro satellite IXPE.
Dal 1 luglio 2020 ottiene una posizione come staff ad INAF-OAC. Attualmente lavora prevalentemente su Fast Radio Burst in radio e multi-frequenza e allo sviluppo di SRT, Croce del Nord e IXPE per osservazioni di stelle di neutroni e transienti veloci.