Link Esterni
Sub-millimetre observations of regions associated with periodic methanol masers

My presentation will cover the results of SMA and ALMA sub-millimetre observations towards three regions (G9.62+0.20E, G22.358+0.066 and G25.411+0.105) associated with periodic methanol masers with different types of light curves. The main goal was to determine if there are similarities in other properties of the star-forming regions, with the same periodic maser light curve and if there are any differences between regions that have different types of light curves. All three regions showed evidence of bipolar outflow. The bipolar outflows of G9.62+0.20E and G22.357+0.066, which have similar light curves, are almost in the plane of the sky where as the bipolar outflow of G25.411+0.105, which has a Bunny hop light curve, is perpendicular to the plane of the sky. This suggests that the difference in the shape of the periodic methanol maser light curves might be a viewing angle effect.