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21 FEBBRAIO 2019 ore 15:00
Tianma telescope and its receiving system
Dr. Bin Li (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Cina)

Tianma telescope is a Cassegrain radio telescope with 65 meters diameter, and is located in the west of Shanghai, China. It is built and operated by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The telescope construction started in early 2009, and the majority of the mechanical system was completed in October 2012. The 3 arc second pointing accuracy and above 50% aperture efficiency at higher frequency bands have been achieved in 2017. Until now, eight cryogenic receivers have been installed and operated on the telescope, including L-, S/X-, C-, Ku-, X/Ka-, K-, Ka-, and Q-band. This talk will give a brief overview of Tianma telescope and its receiving system.