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ASKAP HI imaging of a nearby spiral galaxy, and beyond!

The Australian Square Kilometre Array is a new radio interferometer that is producing exciting results. I will give an update on ASKAP and present some of the new results from the telescope. In particular, I will focus on early science results from the main HI extragalactic survey: WALLABY. This survey is expected to detect HI in ~ 500'000 galaxies, out to z = 0.26, and will examine the properties and large-scale distribution of these galaxies. I will present images of the nearby, gas-rich spiral galaxy IC 5201 and 3 gas-rich dwarf satellite galaxies. These are the highest resolution HI images for IC 5201 and the first time its satellites have been detected in HI. We have used ancillary multi-wavelength data to study the physics of the galaxy group, in order to understand what is driving the cool gas and star formation in the galaxies. Finally, I will discuss the future of ASKAP and MeerKAT, and the involvement of the MeerKAT Fornax (OAC) team with these telescopes.