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25 SETTEMBRE 2018 ore 15:00
NGC6334I Outburst - ALMA and VLBI Multi-epoch View of the Contemporaneous Maser Flare Event
Dr. James Okwe Chibueze (South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, Sudafrica)

NGC6334I recently experienced a simultaneous, multi-specie, maser flare activities. This corresponded with the brightening of the dust continuum emission of one of the dominant mm cores in the region. New observations with the JVLA, ALMA and multi-epoch water maser observations with KaVA provides a good clue of the star formation activities in this region, which includes but not limited to, multiple outflows, destruction and re-emergence of water and methanol masers, jets and shocks. In this talk, I will show some of the results from these observations and explain their implications.