
16 FEBRUARY 2021 time 15:00

The Cluster Top-DOWN project "RADARDRONE"

Dr. Tonino Pisanu (INAF-OAC, Italy)
The Cluster Top-DOWN project "RADARDRONE"

Abstract: RADARDRONE was one of the projects funded by Sardegna Ricerche, the Sardinia Regional government agency devoted to manage and finance research programs. The project involved more than 10 private companies together with the INAF-OACA and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Cagliari University. The main aim of the project was to analyze and study different systems for the radio detection of the drones and to perform some studies in radar systems. We organized many meetings and teleconfs in order to involve as much as possible the companies in our activities, also if the COVID19 caused a lot of problems to our laboratory activities and researches.


Brief CV of Dr. Tonino Pisanu:

Since 2001 Dr. Pisanu is a Technologist at the INAF-OAC. His area of interest is the research and the development of radio astronomical receivers and of metrology systems, in particular for measuring the deformations of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). He is the local responsible for the funds of the European EUSST program for the use of the bistatic radar system called BIRALET in which the receiving system is the SRT. He also carries out technology transfer activities with Sardinian high-tech companies and with the DIEE of the University of Cagliari, by appliyng to the regional funds calls for innovative projects, as happened in the two Cluster Top Down projects "SARDASENSORS" funded in 2014 and  "RADARDRONE" funded in 2018