
29 OTTOBRE 2018 ore 11:00

Simulating distant radio galaxies

Prof. Dr. Michael D. Smith (CAPS - University of Kent, United Kingdom)
Simulating distant radio galaxies

Image: Simulation of a radio galaxy lobe with a fast precessing jet.

The major properties of radio galaxies have long been explained by invoking twin jets which power the radio lobes and create giant cavities. How would these radio galaxies appear at high redshift? During merging and growth, we can expect more variation in addition to the resolution issues. I explore the initial hydrodynamic simulations in this seminar, generating and classifying simulated radio images of 3D simulations. Images of X-ray bremsstrahlung emission from the ambient medium  are also presented. Lateral ribs in the soft X-rays are found in certain cases and may explain those found in Cygnus,A. We conclude that distant radio galaxies could appear systematically more limb-darkened  due to merger-related re-direction and precession as well as due to the resolution limitation.  Or should we, as always, be surprised?