
23 OTTOBRE 2017 ore 11:30

WEAVE: The next-generation spectroscopic survey facility for the Northern Sky

Prof. Dr. Scott Trager (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Università di Groningen)
WEAVE: The next-generation spectroscopic survey facility for the Northern Sky
WEAVE is the next-generation wide-field survey facility for the William 
Herschel Telescope (WHT). WEAVE will provide the instrument required for
full scientific exploitation of the Gaia, LOFAR, and APERTIF surveys in
the Northern Hemisphere. WEAVE is a multi-object and
multi-integral-field-unit (IFU) facility utilizing a large, new
2-degree-diameter prime focus corrector at the WHT with a pick-and-place
fibre positioner system hosting nearly 1000 multi-object fibres or 20
mini-IFUs for each observation, or a single wide-field IFU. The fibres are
fed into a dual-beam spectrograph located in the GHRIL enclosure on the
WHT's Nasmyth platform. The spectrograph records nearly 1000 spectra
simultaneously at a resolution of R~5000 over an instantenous wavelength
range of 366-959 nm or at a resolution of R~20000 over two more-limited
wavelength ranges. WEAVE will be on sky in early 2019 to provide complete
phase-space coordinates of more than 5 million stars in the northern sky
selected with ESO’s Gaia satellite, distances and properties of galaxies
selected from the low-frequency radio-wave surveys being conducted with
LOFAR, “three-dimensional" spectroscopy of galaxies selected from surveys
using the new Apertif focal plane array at the Westerbork Radio Synthesis
Telescope, deep surveys of galaxy clusters and moderate-redshift galaxies,
and the scale of the Universe at z~2-4 from quasar absorption lines. In
this talk I will discuss WEAVE's current status of the instrument
development and science preparation.