
26 LUGLIO 2016 ore 11:00
Oggi Astro Chiacchiere!

Stingray - spectral timing made easy

Usman Mahmood Khan (National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan)
Stingray - spectral timing made easy

We are living in an exciting period of astronomy, with discoveries and developments that are probably ahead of their times. Regardless, there is a lack of shared and coherent tools, and this hinders researchers and scientists from collaborating and taking on complex problems. This talk will introduce an open source Python library, named stingray, that attempts to address this challenge. Stingray has a series of tools for timing analysis, along with a graphical user interface to visually inspect and filter time-series. Additionally, stingray contains a framework for simulating time series and spectral data, which is useful for checking the validity of various timing methods. The project is co-financed by the Google Summer of Code.


Oggi Astro Chiacchiere!
un incontro informale, a cadenza bisettimanale, tra il personale dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari (staff, postdoc e studenti), che ha lo scopo di discutere argomenti di carattere prevalentemente scientifico, tecnologico e informatico. L'incontro si tiene solitamente il Martedì, alle ore 11, nella sala riunioni dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari (stanza 55).

Per informazioni e/o contributi contattare pcastang@oa-cagliari.inaf.it