
Approvazione atti concorso TEC/TS/OACA 2011 - Determinazione n. 95 del 4 luglio 2016(Competition)

Expiration date: 5 AUGUST 2016 time 23:59

1 Borsa di Studio "Development of Bayesian algorithms for [...] in the Universe"(Competition)

Expiration date: 5 JUNE 2016 time 13:00

Borsa di Studio: "Study and analysis of the use of SRT for observing Space Debris in [..]"(Competition)

Expiration date: 27 APRIL 2016 time 14:00

Fellowship: "Structural and electronic excitation properties of molecules of astrophysical concern"(Competition)

Expiration date: 23 JANUARY 2016 time 0:00

Borsa di Studio: "Analysis of radio data collected at SRT with last generation back-ends" "(Competition)

Expiration date: 21 DECEMBER 2015 time 14:00